Frequently Asked Questions

You can create your account by going to the Sign Up

All vacancies open at EMSTEEL are listed in the Search Jobs section at our Careers homepage. Candidates have the option to refine search results based on job function, employment type or keywords.
Yes, we do. You need to create your profile and view what programmes are available at the jobs section.
To make sure your application gets to the right person, it must be linked to a specific vacancy via our search jobs section. Therefore, it's best to first apply to a specific role with your preferred social media profile (i.e. LinkedIn) or by submitting your CV/resume. A recruiter will then contact you if your profile is assessed as a potential fit for the role.
You can always refresh the job opportunities section to know the status of each job profile. If your CV/resume matches a particular position, then one of our recruiters will be in touch.
Yes, you can return and modify your job application information whenever you like. Your information is secure, and changes would require you to log in with your unique profile credentials.
Multiple documents can be uploaded. Make sure that your file type meets our following formatting criteria – DOC, DOCX, HTML, PDF, or TXT file types (5MB max). Uploaded documents will allow our system to screen your resume and populate your data automatically, allowing for a more efficient application process.
You can click on forgot password and follow the simple instructions. You must be using the same email address you applied with in the beginning.
When people ask us about our company culture, we always emphasise everyone’s passion and dedication to their work and the steel industry. Our people are presented with every opportunity to excel and do their best. We foster an environment that emphasises teamwork, tolerance, openness and professionalism.
We would be very happy to consider your application again, reviewing your qualifications and profile for each submitted application. Please select and submit a separate application for each role you are interested in.